

only if...
Only if you were keen with her but because you are never serious then prevention wasn't a better cure for her
That blade she used to chop onions and nyanya
Prepare delicious delicacies
Now gave her ticket to the casket
She is no where but in your memories
Hunting you like predator to prey
Haunting you every night
Closing your eyes is a taboo nowadays
Every shadow reminds you of the mistake you made
Regret has befriended you
But why?
You were blinded by being egocentric
Loving yourself and not sharing
Only if you were prophet
You could have prevented the ceremony
Her hand could have cuddled you at that moment
But it was risky and you wanted to enjoy your youth
How painful?
But now that is done
Exercise to prevent another rapture
On your watch.
© kogi(uncleblacky)