

Love Unrealized
Two souls, brimming with life's elation,
A love so fierce, it sliced like a blade's sensation,
They hoped for an everlasting and joyful fate,
Yet destiny interceded, unyielding and obstinate.

What cruel fortune separated them so?
What caused their affection, joy, and bliss to forego?
Their bond, their love, their delight,
Leaving them both disheartened and contrite.

Was it distance, timing, or perhaps a lack of will?
Or was it simply not their destiny to fulfill?
A love story, doomed by fate's severity,
A tragedy of love's frailty and vulnerability.

Maybe they weren't prepared, not yet grown,
To handle such an intense affection, yet unknown,
Or maybe they had contrasting goals,
Causing their love to break apart in roles.

The agony of a love that never came to fruition,
Two hearts shattered and left with confusion,
The query endures, why not together?
The answer, a puzzle that will remain forever.

For love is a complex, temperamental notion,
And sometimes, it chooses an unpredictable motion,
Leaving us to contemplate and wonder,
Why two beautiful souls were pulled asunder.

© Garry Prudencio Fabros