

A love that never shrinks
From a very young age, I've always had a unique fascination with the moon
Her majestic sight, her beautiful grace
Man has spent millions of dollars to walk upon it, many dream of merely holding its dust
And every time I see you, your presence grips my attention
But as I look upon you tonight, I'm filled with an eery sadness
Because even though you're one of the Almighty's most beautiful creations,
You've been a witness to many of my soul crushing heartbreaks
And the one that's plaguing me tonight, is the last dance I shared with my greatest love, under the gaze of your light
It was the scene of my finest hour, but also my biggest loss, as the night after that, she chose to walk her own path,
Leaving me in a heap
Never did I think I'd compare anyone to the moon, but she was
As our love grew in stages, and at its apex, it was it's most beautiful
But just like you dear moon, it shrunk again
And love was never meant to be shrunk,
Love is daunting, overwhelming, safe
And should never be boxed up, or dumbed down

To everyone reading this, I wish you nothing but a moon love
A love that's big, a love that shines,
But unlike the moon, a love that never ever, shrinks