

Sharing is Caring
Love your neighbor as yourself is the only remedy we need to heal the world and make it a habitable place for our generations unborn not accumulating riches for them, where are they going to spend all the riches if the world is destroyed by religious discrimination and ethnic segregation?

A little gesture of kindness is all it takes, the world has been eaten deep to its core by greed and selfishness that has led to unrationalized violence and wars.

It takes nothing for us to live as one big family who cares, one show of kindness can blossom into a variety of good deeds with pure intentions, that is how the world gets healed.

Nobody is coming to save the world, Jesus already did his part by showing us an act of love like never seen or heard before by giving his life on the cross to save us, it is left for us to follow his example and love one another so that we can heal our world.

If you love your children and their children unborn, then it is only human for you to start doing your own part of the process, IT ALL BEGINS WITH ME AND YOU!!!

©F.I.D libraries