

New year is same every year...
I knew it, yet I wasn't as prepared
Everything will be the same, yet I prayed
For the sun to be brighter
For the stars to twinkle more
For the rainbows to multiply
I wished to reduce my snore...

ohhh it's been 6 days on
yet nothing's changed
the sun, the stars, the wind, the sands
the news, the tv, the radio, the bands
even the birds, the squirrels, the ants...

the duties, the chores, all the work
the people, the gossip, all the quirk
the fights, the scandals, the crimes and all
the rising evil, the good deed's fall

yet my mind whispers to me
all change is not good, old is still gold
the colours of nature, the sounds of hills
the love of parents, the first kiss thrills
the trust of children, innocence of maiden

each year I celebrate the change of number
I still wish the year wakes me up from my slumber
hope I become more and more clever
hope the world's a better place than ever
Hope my hope not dies this year too
A very happy 2023 to you....

© cmcb