

Queen of the Damned
Seductively sweet, she lies in wait.
Alluring the senses with fantasies.
Whatever your pain, she will abate.
She'll exploit your sexual energy.
Fires of lust and desire conflate.
Skewing your natural tendencies.
Love and compassion separate.
Evil coercion haunting relentlessly.
She'll alter your moral landscape.
Hell fire burns with unbridled intensity.
Envasions of irrationalization overtake.
A bold lying and deceptive propensity.
Massive destruction is left in her wake.
Rotting with a self inflicted ferocity.
Intense anger with no way to placate.
A living breathing ball of animosity.
Driven toward a cold and callous fate.
You took her hand in the name of curiosity.
She lies in wait of souls who take the bait.
Never give in to her enticing luminosity.
No will is ever to great for her to penetrate.
Perhaps by now you know her identity.
Crystal Meth's the name, wanna date?