

Why can't you dare to appreciate me...??
why can't you dare to appreciate me?
Why can't you care my true emotions?
Choosed you to be with my soul,
Not to kill my beauty of shadow,
Not to cut my true selves,
With your eyes of fake selves,
Being a women of my own freedom,
I Chossed your heart to love my loveable presence,
Not to kill me with your hateful bright,
Feeling guilty to be the women of your fault hearty presence,
Waitin' to get response of,
Why can't you appreciate me truly?
Why can't you care me properly?

You cared to kill my dreams,
You dared to muted my painful screams,
You cared to touch my painful tears,
You dared to wake up my heaviest fears,
keeping my wishes aside,
I married with your soulful dreams of past,
With a hope to be in your blessful future,
Not with your darkest sunshine,
To burn my soul alive in your fake emotions,
with the hurted gain,
Buring alive with the fears of pain,
Afraid to ask the question from your soulful fake selves,
Why cant' you dare to appreciate me?
Why can't you truly care for my true emotions?
Being a women of kindest bright,
I'm asking from my true affection,
With a thought to get a pure response,
From your imperfection,
from your darkest reflection,
Why can't you dare to appreciate me?
Why can't you dare to appreciate me??

Words of a women,
Sacrificing her true selves for one....💝💖💔
Do share your views.....💝

© Jasni ahuja