

Internal Changes

Some changes are more internal than external.

I see this everywhere I go. Behind the closed door of my heart, all is chaos.
But outside the window of my room, the birds still fly, the sun still bleeds and hides behind the veil of the night sky. Within, my heart shifts; allowing one emotion to embrace me, while another waits in the long lone. Outside, all is same.

I look at people as I walk, wondering if there is one person staring at his feet and wondering how to walk. I seek one soul shying away from the sun, one person frozen in the long line of the local bus; doing nothing other than simply exisiting.

But I do not see that. I see busy feet, hushed conversations, smiles tainted with secrets, twinkling eyes. I see flowers in bloom, blond curls being teased by the wind, dity boots of a six year old playing in the park.

Life goes on.
I suppose I must as well.

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