

In Memoriam: Tribute to a Mentor
A guiding light, a beacon bright
In the world of engines, you shone so tight
With every question, you had a gentle way
To lead us through, come what may

Your patience and kindness, we'll always adore
The way you made complex concepts, easy to explore
Your passion for teaching, a true work of art
A master of your craft, a gentle heart

Now you're gone, and we're left to grieve
A loss so sudden, a pain to believe
We'll miss your smile, your laugh, your gentle hand
A mentor, a friend, in a foreign land

Farewell, dear sir, may your legacy live on
In the hearts of students, where your lessons are sown
We'll carry your memory, like a anchor in the sea
A reminder of the impact, you had on you and me

Rest in peace, dear lecturer, may your soul find peace
Your absence will be felt, a sorrow to release
But we'll keep your memory, like a lighthouse in the night
Guiding us forward, shining with all your might.
© Shelly
RIP Chief Engineer