

Melody of agony
Saw him in the streets,
Long after breakup,
Got stuck in the moment,
A reflex action,
My legs walked towards him
His cold eyes,
Not even glanced at me,
My body walked past him,
But my soul
Held his hand and fled away,

Buried all my emotions deep in my heart,
My empty body, blank mind
Mourned alone, in agony

Threw out all his stuff,
But his memories
Rebelled to leave,
Picking up all the scattered memories,
Made a melody,
For which I love to dance,
In my dreams,

Become a sinner,
My soul on deathbed sued me,
My virtuos brain accused me,
Cause of falling for him,
Sentenced me for a lifetime,
Whipped me with his memories,
In a dark night, locked me with nightmares,
I begged for pardon.

Again saw him on streets,
Tried hard to seal my lips,
But my eyes whispered
"Stay with me"
Stagnated tears, spurted
Like the flood that broke through
I'm devastated.

© silent_soul