

Title: "The Nectar Of Unanimity."
One drop of heaven's nectar, fell from above,
On a leaf, it slipped, and spread its endless love,
Into the ocean's depths, it merged with the sea,
And the whole ocean's essence, was held in ecstasy.

That one drop nectar, pure and so sweet,
From heaven's above, a treat,
Fell on a leaf, so green and bright,
And it slipped, & dropped, with all its might.

This one drop nectar, oh so small,
Fell into the ocean, after all,
And as it did, a wonder to see,
The whole ocean held within a drop, you see.

In that one drop, we're all created whole,
Connected and united, our souls made one goal,
The limitless whole, in that drop resides,
And its nectar flows through me, like a river's tide.

But does it flow through you, like milk so pure?
Or are you still searching, for a cure?
For the mind that's made whole, has nothing to fear,
And the wanting-creature, will finally disappear.

So this drop of nectar, the limitless whole does make,
In my veins, it flows like gore, for my soul's sake,
But does milk flow through yours, like a river so pure?
One drop created us all, in love's eternal allure.

When the mind is made whole, fear disappears like dew,
I asked the creature within, "What river do you pursue?"
But there's no river, no road, no traveler to be found,
No ground, no sky, no time, no bank, no ford to be bound.

No boat, no boatman, no tow rope to pull the load,
No river at all, just the nectar that makes us whole,
Do you believe there's a place, where the soul's thirst will cease?
Will that one drop of nectar, our deepest longing release?

In the ocean of love, we're all connected as one,
The nectar of unity, flows through every soul, under the sun,
It's the essence of life, that makes our hearts sing
In its embrace, we'll find, our true destiny to bring.

I asked the creature inside, "What river do you seek?"
But there's no river, no road, no traveler to speak,
No ground, no sky, no time, no bank, no ford to cross,
No boat, no boatman, no tow rope, to pull the loss.

Is there a place that quenches, our soul's deepest thirst?
Will that one drop of nectar, our longing finally burst?
In its embrace, we'll find, our true destiny,
And the nectar of oneness, will set our souls free.

In the ocean of existence, we're all drops of the same sea
Connected and united, in eternity,
The nectar of oneness, flows through every soul,
A river of love, that makes us whole.

Like rivers flowing, to the ocean's embrace,
We'll find our way back, to the same sacred space,
Where the nectar of oneness, will quench our deepest thirst,
And we'll realize, we're never truly apart.

This one drop, so tiny, yet so grand,
Became many, held in the one hand,
A drop of nectar, a treasure true,
A symbol of the power of the few.

For in this one drop, we see a ultimate truth,
That one small thing can make a great youth,
A drop of nectar, pure and bright,
Can fill the ocean with delight.

As in this vast ocean of life, a single drop can hold,
The power of the universe, with secrets untold,
A tiny droplet, no bigger than a pinprick, yet,
It contains the essence of all that is and will be.

The one drop nectar, sweet and pure, yet wild,
Flows through my veins, like a river's might,
It courses through my soul, a never-ending stream,
A taste of the divine, a source of dream.

The one drop nectar, a symbol of unity,
A reminder of the interconnectedness of all,
In every grain of sand, in every wave and tide,
The ocean's power and beauty, eternally alive.

In this ocean of love, we'll find our true home,
Where the nectar of oneness, will forever roam,
And we'll dance in its waves, like rivers flowing free,
In the embrace of the infinite, we'll be set free.

In the nectar of oneness, we'll find our true name,
And our souls will awaken, to the game,
Of love and unity, that we're all meant to play,
In the ocean of existence, we'll find our way.

But does milk run through your veins? Ah, the irony!
For in your veins, a different flow doth lie,
A flow of sweetness, of nourishment, of life,
A symbol of the beauty that's within your reach.

So let us celebrate the one drop nectar, so rare,
A drop that holds the power of the vast ocean's care,
For in its depths, we find the unity we seek,
And the beauty that it brings, our spirits to free.

(This poem explores the idea of unification and interconnectedness, using the metaphor of a single drop of nectar falling from heaven that contains the essence of the entire ocean. It asks questions about the nature of reality and the search for meaning, and suggests that the mind that is made whole has nothing to fear. The poem also touches on the idea that our longing for connection and fulfillment can be quenched by the nectar of synthesis and oneness.)

© Aneemkp