

Deep and lost
Wondering around in the field of roses
wind so warm, soft at every touch
sun is beaming and rejuvenating.
There me no shouting and complaining
all there is nothing but silence and pleasure.

But the Vikings and war lords have sited me
now the roses which i once loved has raised up their thorns
piercing me in my soft spot
now am bleeding and the blood hounds are free.

Dont look back just keep on running
then I tripped into a dark abyss.
The sound of being alone resounds everywere
Alone at last i have finally found peace
just as i thought as things could not get worst.
The queen ex is here and am fucking scared.
Walking up to me with no expression
am worried if she is going to say something tormenting
she looks at me eye to eye and hugs me so tight
she cries so bad and kiss me on the shoulder
i smell her skin and comfort her.

Then i felt a pain so sharp and deadly
she strikes me with the dagger i gave her for our anniversary
i look at her one last time with my eyes loosing its light.
My heart with a knife and a hole in it
Her last words i could hear.
You were only in my life to make me feell whole
Now i dont need you so die alone.