

Something dies in me everyday
I already accept my defeat but somehow I want to live
What is life, without struggles?
Would life be meaningless?
Or it's never worth living in the first place

Life is a gift,I know
But I can't agree if it's wrapped nicely for everybody
I thinks it's like a lucky draw
One might get roses and the other is thorns

For some,happiness is a choice
But what happens when you don't even have the option
What it's like to be happy?
Because all my life this is a bit strange to me

If only I could get to choose
Or lucky enough to be chosen
If I only have the means
I would then make happiness a virtue

Tell me how to smile,tell me this is just a phase
That beyond that horizon, a real life awaits
Because for years I had been dreaming
Of pure bliss in my sleep
© she_writes