

Rhythms of Resilience
Only people who truly care about you can hear you when you’re silent. I personally suppressed my feelings in my chest until they moved up to my neck.

No words ever came out of my mouth. Life sewed it shut. I learned early on that expressing how I feel makes me look weak so I bottled up my emotions and figured out ways to drown the thoughts. I lived in pure silence but my mind and soul were screaming. The screams vibrated and echoed within the deepest parts of my soul.

Those vibrations and echoes made music. The soundtrack to my life for a long time was the story I never told. Thank God I found another way to speak.

In the realm of written expression, I found solace, a refuge where the unsung verses of my soul found liberation. The pen became my instrument, crafting tales of survival and triumph. With each stroke, I painted the hues of my emotions, turning the echoes of screams into a masterpiece of resilience.

The unwritten story, once imprisoned within the recesses of my being, unfolded its chapters on the pages before me. It became a journey of self-discovery, a testament to the strength found in vulnerability. The ink became a mirror reflecting not just the pain, but the courage to confront it.

As I embraced this newfound language, the weight of unspoken burdens lifted, replaced by the lightness of understanding. The unuttered notes of despair transformed into a melody of empowerment. My narrative, once confined to the shadows, stepped into the spotlight of self-expression.

And so, the story I never told became the story I now share — a narrative of resilience, growth, and the transformative power of finding one's voice. In the symphony of written words, I discovered not only a means of communication but a harmonious connection to the depths of my own being. Each sentence echoes with the resonance of healing, and every paragraph is a step toward self-empowerment.

Thankful for the cathartic journey, I continue to compose the verses of my life, embracing the music that emerged from the silence.


© Abby David