

The Time Has Come.
I saw my country people in pains,
I wonder why they are in pains,
I know that my country is blessed
country, but her citizens cursed the
country, and the curse return back
to the citizens, they suffer a loss , and
pay dearly for their words.

Citizens against leaders,
Leaders against citizens
greediness kills us all ,
poverty causes hunger,
insecurity brings violence, and
terrorist, it kept on increasing.

we have failed as a nation,
we have failed as a citizen
we have also failed as a leader especially,
I look if there's a way out for us to
be free from the curse we lay on our
country, and I saw that there's a way for us to be free from curse.

The time has come to start blessing
our country, the time has come to stop
being bloody, the time has come to listen to the opinions of the youths, the time has come to seek for justice, the time has come to fight for our rights, the time has come to stop being divided, the time has come to start praying for forgiveness and mercy, the time has come to stop cursing our country, the time has come to stop violence, insecurity, and poverty and the time has finally come to start being United , and the time is now.
© Deborah , The Black icon