

The Same Song
I coat my days in days gone by,
Regretting things a child couldn't control

I ignore impending change until I can't,
And then wing it all, hinged to no plan

I collect my hopes in hot air balloons
And heedlessly unfurl the tethers

I love with every cell in my body
Then drown in fear that I've loved too much

I keep my volume at a murmur,
Too timid to disturb the existing soundwave

I dip into too many genres for just one song,
Overwhelmed by who I am and who I should be

I let my imagination take the reins
And kick my feet up in the backseat

Leaping from rewind to fast-forward,
I often forget to just press play

For better or for worse,
I've played this song before

For better and for worse,
I am the same song

Played over
And over again.

© Jaz Rogers