

"When Fire Meets Feather"
When fire meets feather, a dance unfolds,
A fusion of contrasts, where opposites entwined.
The fierce and the fragile, a paradox of might,
A union that defies the laws of day and night.

Like a phoenix from ashes, the fire's primal roar,
Awakens the feather's softness, and together they soar.
The heat that once would consume, now gently caresses the wing,
And in its gentle touch, a new song begins to sing.

The flames that once would ravage, now warm and soothe the soul,
As the feather's gentle whispers, calm the fiery role.
The contrast that once would clash, now harmonizes as one,
A symphony of contrasts, where love has just begun.

In this unlikely union, we find a truth profound,
That even the most disparate, can find common ground.
For when fire meets feather, we discover a new way,
To temper the fierce with tenderness, come what may.

So let us cherish this dance, this sacred alchemy,
Where opposing forces merge, to create a beauty to see.
For in this fusion of contrasts, we find a love that's true,
A love that's strong enough to heal, and see us through.
© Melody