

I sail me ship upon a rabid sea—
"A rabid sea!"
Her frothy jaws agape to swallow me—
"To swallow me!"
Me men keep watch for fear of what we'd see—
"Of what we'd see?"
Aye, men! Bloody signs of she who rules the deep!
"Who rules the deep?!"

A creature sat upon the ocean bed—
"The ocean bed!"
As limbs like timber reach from out her head—
"From out her head!"
To catch the ships that keep her belly fed!
"Her belly fed?"
Aye, men! Bloated full with souls who met their end!
"Who met their end?!"

The men who dared to set their sails astray!
"Their sails astray!"
The men who dared to cast their nets away!
"Their nets away!"
The men who dared to sail the pirate's way!
"The pirate's way?"
Aye, men! Even Davy Jones was once her prey!
"Davy Jones?!"
"We've got no hope!"
"We're damned to sail these waves!"

Aye, men! Hopeless souls for she who rules the deep!
So keep your watchful eyes for what we'd see!
The limbs of one who'd love to swallow we,
The sailors lost upon a rabid sea!