

this is my wish for you.
if anyone can say they love your life, first and foremost it would be your mother. the woman who gave you your first breath. but then, it would be me. the one who watched you at your most beautiful vulnerable moment I'm your existence, im the one who watched you take your last breath, and bartered with the angel of death negotiating the terms of the contract of time as it came up.., and fought for you, blowing life back into your body, relighting your soul. when you tried to leave, I kept you hear. Gods plan tried to cut yours short, but I went to battle against the god and gave you another chance at life.
it may seem like nothing, but, I hope it made you realize and understand deep in your soul how precious time is here, and how the only thing we are garunteed in this life is to live and die.
don't ever take it for granite.
some would say you owe me, some would say you owe me your life. if anything, you owe it to yourself to make this second chance at life the best life it can be. anything you think you have the ability to make happen, always remember that. anything is possible if you believe.
in life, we take these pictures to leave you with a memory, but really we take our memory and leave you with the pictures.
everybody lives to be forgotten.