

The Glee Of Hope
Hope is always there
You think, it's lost the way
But, it's always there, always behind
Waiting for you to awake and find

Misfortune and misery, keeps you astray
You hid in the dark, to ranaway
Tears and fears hold your solace
Can't getaway, from this endless chase

It's like a hidden trace
Masked behind a mysterious facade
Looking for you to reveal, it's grace
Once you attain, it will illuminate your hollow space

Life is gray, black and blue
Sometimes, you don't have a clue
What have you been going through?
You got ups & downs,but one day you'll settle down

Have faith, things will fall into place
Time takes time to display it's play
A play, design for you to play
Patients are the key, wise folks say

© ~FT

1: 12 am
Fri, April,27

#hope #gooddeeds #life