

(banished thought) vanishing points
'Settle down' softly putter & Gayle Trolling,

motion !

. my puffy porcelain ballerina! flow

Gallantly Sprinting all vanishing points about!

. my lovely kinky goofball sexton China doll.

Banished thoughts, my perfect ballerina!

Sounds sailing movement. & Gently

pairing seconds before , Times delight!

. my Lovely damaged little pony prancer.

Don't pussyfoot about!

Bonded flesh, & stoked Naked sinful ballerina,

. my special lumpkin puss!

Don't fuss queerly. Merrily, wondering about!

Lust of life will fade daddy galloping dancer,

Damaged goods.

. my father's unmoral subterranean

Mexican blue's. Sensual wicked deeds.

Slave to pleasure, of masters puppeteering,

. my little ballerina !only death will save you &

Split us both apart.

Banished thought & sermons points vanished from,

. my Hart,

as she just idols from my sealing hanging at,

. my San Francisco apartment studios,

dancing hall!



I will y ?

© Antonio.Mora.Lopez