

Friendship of hypocrites
Srounded by friends
But no one to call true friend
They are just there as dude
I can't react only to load

You can call it disgrace not to chase
I can call it smart move of sense
You interpret it as low to action
I interpret as patience of highest oder
You judge me and call me wrong
I say you are just hypocrite log

Sorry but a drop of tear in a river doesn't
Make the water of the river foul to drink
Time is running gloomy
But remember am not dummy
Maybe I am but my heart ,my heart
Speaks more and that foolishly reacts the body

I can feel your anger
When you split into pieces
Have i crucified your flesh? ohh! dear
Please!!! please!!!be at peace
I have just commented on your behavior
As friends we must be sure
We are true and not easily lured...
To pretends of fake friendship

......By John Nderitu

© John