


I don't know if I can explain, I am just this hollow mess,
The days just drift on by, yet the hours are so endless,
I don't feel motivated, I mean, what's the point anyways,
Fighting a battle everyday is tiring, it just stays the same,
Oh and the sadness, that's stifles every damn breath you take,
There are things to be grateful for, I'm sure, but I'm trying not to break,
I'm told I should just try, if I try it's not a defeat,
Yet all I can do is survive In the moment, I am so weak,
How much more should I give? how much more should I endure?,
I just feel so lost, my life sucks and it just keeps taking more,
And I know I'm not the only one, yet I don't want to be a burden,
So I'm keeping silent for this reason, but I can't stop the hurting,
It just never ends, I don't even have any meds to numb the misery,
Maybe ending it is the only way to erase all this empty.

© C.Wynter