

Suicider Was Once a Dreamer
It wasn't like they never bloomed
but they had to walk on stairs of thorns
life was like thunderstorm for them
beautiful, shining but scary at same time

Everyone out their makes them feel burden like old books
even old, dusty books have orphic story
they were a diamond in hand of mud

Death wasn't something they wanted
horrible world make them melancholic
like a fallen leaf in autumn
their door of hope was closed

In a world of nightmares
they choose to hibernate
they also saw some dreams
but they prefer to sleep

why we can't express our emotions?
they suffered, someone is and someone will
In a stereotypical mold of life
why we have to fit?

like a melody of songs
not every star shines the same
not every flower is rose
some a stunning like lotus too

Stanza of others perspective
doesn't define who you are
we should face every battle like a real war

Quiting is not always an option
hard life like a jungle but we are also a lion

They lost because not everyone is a warrior
but.... let's not forget
Every suicider was once a dreamer


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