

There is a vastness I see in God's creation
Thoughts abid,
Here and in the hereafter,
Escaping the realms of the mind,
Reassuring awe,
Easing into forbidden knowledge!

I see into the twilight,
Spirits not of the delusional kind!

Askew to history!

Victory over pride,
And then,
Spirituality will prove itself,
Time and time again,
Next to a sweat bitterness,
Each stronger than the last,
Sadness never escapes the realm of genuine sorrow,
Scorched by treachery,

I never live to love!!!

Search and research diving pain
Each moment of the day
establish your try identity

Into divinity
Nesting for answers!

Great is the feeling,
Outlasting most things,
Diversity, at best,
Starting at the moon!

Religion collapsed on itself,
Enlightenment is a blessing,
Action adorned,
Teach me, wisdom Lord,
I see beyond my mind,
Only to see deeper with my heart,
Now let us pray for God and humanity

© William Stephen Foos