

A Daughter So Caring
A Daughter So Caring

I loved you from the beginning
Until the very end
And God knew you longer
Before the world began!

You were such a caring daughter
That I just thought the world of
And the Angels gathered together
As they took you to Heaven above!

Always thinking about others
You were a person that really cared
About other people's problems
And what they had to bear!

You were definitely a daddy's girl
And from the start you won his heart
He loved you with everything he had
Now sad because you have to be apart!

The Lord looked down and saw you troubled
So He closed your weary eyes
But now it's so hard on us
Because we had to tell you goodbye!

But the day will come when we'll once more be together
And I can't wait to spend Eternity with you
Heaven has got to be magnificent
I just miss and love you too!

Donna Carpenter
April 10th 2021