

Can't say it was love but it happened

In a blaze, everything became clear though I dared not to go near,
Her eyes never remained in what I fear,
Even so, stuck in a dilemma, the mind forgot where to adhere.

Enigmatic fondness awaken every time I see her,
Maybe the same feelings do dwell too in her,
Wasn't it a folly to guess what lies in the sanity of her,
Much more have I moved forward, have to move yet further.

Can't say it was love but it happened,
never inquired can it be plausible, still, it happened,
just a sight of her leaves me heartened,
ingress of her into my life left me gladdened.

A feeling never expressed, a sight never made unseen,
failed to make her appreciate what it could've been,
still, a world unfolded in me, I can see it clear and clean,
Life would be endurable only in my life had you been.

© Chinmoy