

She Snapped
She finally snapped.
After all these years she snapped,
Everyone always joked about who would snap first,
No one thought it would be her,
No one thought the nice girl could be mean,
But it was her.
She had enough,
It had been years of teasing and bullying,
So she had enough,
She drew the line at family,
They crossed that line so she snapped.
There was a lot of yelling,
To her, it’s all blurry.
All she remembers is punching someone,
It’s not her fault,
They crossed the line,
After all who uses family to bully people,
No one saw the hurt it caused,
No one saw how much it affected her,
They just laughed because it was funny.

Now she was in trouble,
Sitting in the office,
The bully explaining his point of view,
Then it was her turn,
All she said was “ he crossed the only line I have”,
No one understood,
She was asked what she meant,
She replied with a question,
“ Who uses family to bully someone?”
She was asked again what she meant,
She snapped,
Not intentionally,
She just couldn’t handle the looks,
The looks of shock that she was in trouble,
She screamed,
“ He bullied me for years,
I couldn’t handle it anymore,
I was just barely stopping myself from snapping,
But then he brought my family into it,
He started to say things about them,
So I snapped,
It’s not my fault,
He crossed the line.”
By the end, she was in tears,
The others just sat there not knowing what to do,
I mean she just broke down,
She broke thanks to the words of the people who were just teasing.
That day everyone changed how they looked at her,
And they never crossed that line again.

© The Scarlett poet