

Man of the master of creation
" Man is a master of creation, God's thoughts, wills, graces, poets and warriors, man is many faces, man is the end run of God's perfect thoughts, wishes and dreams, row, row, row, bend over devil and prepare for it, or what ever floats your boats, spiritual warfare is real, and life is but a dream, ain't nothing to it but to do it, heavens alarms sounds, battle cry's all the angels sing,we jump to it, first to rise first to fall, I answer the call, and the fun begins, I am here Aurmor strapped on, I begin to smirk, I have a possum eating grin, I may kneel down, the devil may think so, but it's not the end, I pray to my father, give me the courage and strength, give me your wisdom and guidance, Dear heavenly father, I am a warrior, man of the fifth dimension, thank you father, for guidance in battle, thank you for the devil's resentment, I kneel and pray to you father, glory be to you, as a champion of God, and In the bible I'm known best as David, of David and Goliath, loyalty, respect and pride, serving you My father, my creater, my, Master, eternal dedication and commitment, for Lord Jesus Christ all the angels of the kingdom of heaven and it's prominence, master of destruction, spiritual warrior, in all my life's, in all my battles, in all my war's, I am a son of God, warrior among the angels, I am a lion among men, I reign forever, all gladiator rings, I am the Lord of all the rings, I am descendant of land's of God's country, and the king of kings Lord Jesus Christ, it may seem like alot, but it's really not, just ideas, just a warriors thoughts, adrenaline pumping, hearts desires, battle and war, victory's, tales, and Desire's, skills sharpened in battle, blooms ever so beautiful, crisand by the purest heavenly rains, life's resistance of the Renaissance of hell's remembering it's former reign, I am the comicozi warrior of old school, suited up, fire and brimstone, sword in my hand, crusader of Christ, I am a warrior of God, I make my last stand, the hottest pits of hell, on a lake side shore, cool summer breeze, blue skies, scattered angels of the clouds passing by, birds flying in the winds, living loving laughing, battalions of demon's, fall to there own flames, laying on a creek bank, listening to the breeze, blowing through the leaves, of the near by tree's, ten thousand demons, ten battalions at a time, the wrath of God, this sword and shield of mine, sitting on the couch, with that someone special next to you, holding each other, wrapped up in your arms, automs fall breeze, filtering through the open windows, a soft gentle kiss, while I look into your baby blues eyes, and you look at me, we gaze into the fire, talking about the future for hours, never have saying a word, Death to the devil, and to all his armies of demons, we fight for God's heaven, this earth we conquer is the devil's world, Glory be to God, Glory be the the one and only holy God of all, Glory be to the passage and scriptures, thank you for the battle of life, the bleeding souls of the demon's we slaughter on site, I pray to you father I pray to you father with all I am, with all I got, everything I have, all that I am, when I jump into the ring, I simply smile and grin, devil's Battalion's always so surprised, when they feel my sting, I am standing my ground, standing on my own, dancing with the devil, I fight for God's thrown, scars of the heart, scars of the soul, my wounds are known, a story is being written, songs are being song, a hero was born, whispered into the winds, they roar like God's thunder, rumbling through time, a new breed of champions were born, a new breed were on the rise, blowing through the mountain tops of all the highest, vibrating the cosmic waves and ripples of space, all lives matter, a United house under God, a United earth, undivided, demons blood we spill, with love and laughter, I make my last stand, the world is our battlefield, I kneel pray rise and fight, I defend my god my family, my brothers and sisters of earth, as we fight for life, fight for the right, ride or die, fight and fly, together, United we fly, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, unto the hereafter, God's Glory, mans war storys, Satan's disappointments and disaster's, once again i thank you, my Lord and master,I am a man is a master of creation,
© David J Davis