

Help Me, Please
They are mistaking my hesitance for laziness
I'm tired and I don't know where my energy is
"I can't do this" but you push me anyway
Telling me that I am strong enough to stay
But you are not hearing the words that I say

They assume that I know how to handle this
But I still have no clue what to do with this
My motivation is thrown out the front door
I'm falling and I'm about to crash to the floor
I'm breaking apart, I can't take this anymore

Not independent, I lean on people too much
So busy using those closest to me as a crutch
I'm not a good friend, or a daughter or sister
I tear into their lives like a full blown twister
There's a demon in me and I can't resist her

Stop trying to fix me, I can't be unbroken
Just stop and listen to the words I have spoken
All I've ever needed was for someone to listen
To hear my words and search their definition
Because right now I'm alone in this prison

A cage that I've locked myself in.

I still have the key
but won't set myself free
because I need a hand to guide me.

© Sam T. Parker

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