


What hope do people look for in the dark?
A baby cries for a window :
Darkness is what is
Are colourful flowers.

This sedation you give ,
Death is but a beautiful escape;
Tomorrow is boring I guess.

Iam sorry Today,
For I don't know what Tomorrow brings
So please go away.
I want to see the mist,
The unforgettable memories of forever.

So I write this piece in peace,
Not wanting the paper to judge the amount of tears I flower.

What hope do people look for in the dark?
A cat outside is never wanting to be inside,
It is bright,
Outside the darkeness glows.

Dear script:
Iam sorry that I can't stay
But home is where Iam headed,
Sedation there is
And a single migraine there is not.
Is a beautiful resting place.
Anger will leave this body,

Memories will be left.
To die is to live
And I choose to live !
Dear note,
Be strong enough not to let them cry:
I hope I don't get missed
For I will be writing even in death.

What hope do people look for in the dark?
He walks in the charcoal
Smoking the cigarette-memories ,
Thinking of us,
Wishing he could be swallowed by the pain.

What hope do people look for in the dark?
lights should shut,
curtains cover flaws:
Hoping faces don't show,
emotions weaken;
pillows don't,
They swallow tears

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