

DAY 1067 of 1095
Heres a little something I been through
I have survived a storm Or 2
Been through the ringer
To tell you the truth
But the bottom line
Is I'm still here after all I been through
Been listening to a podcast or 2
Gotten reminded about a few
things to remember
Like Attitude and Gratitude
Are key regardless
of what you're going through
Life is all about moments
Cherish each one of them
Don't be a fool
Look forward to all of them
Appreciate every one of them
Looking back is only meant for the rearview
Hindsight Windows are meant to be closed
We must use our Bucket of tools
To get through
life's tasks and road rules
The universe will Nudge, Push
Blow up your Life if it has to
In order to get your attention
So stay attentive, remain positive
Keep both hands on the wheel for sure
Remember to let your energy soar
That's where it is most pure
We are simple Tuning Forks
Attracted to Resonance and Vibration
Frequency is like food to our souls
There is little need for deliberation
We must live free of intimidation
Break the Fear dry the tears
Life is meant to be lived Fearless
The more fearful you are
The more negative the world looks
We can read all we want
But life is not found in books
The best things in life
are on the otherside of fear
Take a look
Remember wisdom is how we stay clear
Of any doubts, troubles my dears
Life is suffering
So Buddah says
There will always be bad things
happening in life
But you must enjoy the journey
as much as possible, happily
Make the sacrifices
that must be made triumphantly
For how do you define success
If you haven't figured out
your happiness yet
Times are tough yah I bet
But we must battle through
Any negativity and regrets

#writing #poetry #negativity #sacrifice #success #reallife #dpomlive #blogger #blogging #deardiary

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