

long gone
Long gone:
Long gone are those days,
When people meant what they said
Long gone are those days
when loyalty was a priceless virtue
Trust was respected
And promises not a mere game.
Of emotions and time

Oh those days,
Purity and innocence still at bay
Oh those days
When we were kind and genuinely concerned

Long gone are those days when we were YOUNG

Long gone are those days
when stares were plain and harmless
Long gone are those days
When words were soft and harmless
Long gone are those days
When our thoughts were clean
And mind free from filth
When our hearts weren't so cold
Or our soul's sold
Long gone are those days
When I could be me.
And you could be you.

Because we are constantly struggling to fit in.
Continuously forging fake images
Of who we are not.
Just to be wanted
That we forget that people will only want us
For who we appear to be
And only love us
For who we are.

In a bid to fit in
Our words become as smooth as butter
Sweet like honey
Flowing slowly but effectively

Our minds become a corrupted ocean
our hearts embrace numbness
Slowly but surely
we lose ourselves.
All for someone else
Who never knew us