

Secrets of the stars
The night has came
What we can say,
The sun left
The moon came.

The stars, that million
Whites, blue and red dots
In the sky, just waiting.
Waiting for the moon.

The moon slowly coming up,
The stars being grateful to see him again.
But the moon is sad today,
Sad, like yesterday.

What happened my friend? -
The stars asked.
No responded from him,
Just tears like yesterday.

Nothing can cheer him up,
Not even the happy sing,
What the stars made to the moon,
All day and night.

The moon covered himself in clouds,
He covered up the sadness,
But nobody can imagine,
Why the moon is sad.

The animals sleeping peacefully,
The flowers closed their heads,
But the moon is tearing,
Tearing, like yesterday

The city's light are far away from here,
But we can see it just from here.
The planes moving in the night sky,
Just like yesterday.

The unnatural light is poison,
Poison for the night sky!
The stars are less see able,
And the sky is orange.

It's been hours since
The moon rise.
But he is still sad
Just like yesterday.

His tears like rain in the earth,
But it's cold.
Even if it's summer,
It feels cold.

The moon will stay here
For some hours,
But he need to leave,
To make others sleep.

The sun's forehead
Have been visible
Behind the hills
And she's happy.

The moon woke up from his bed
To finish the job here.
He wiped out the tears
From his eyes.

Slowly moving in the sky,
Like the last teardrop
From his eyes
Just like yesterday.

The ocean is his next stop
But he was sad,
And cried.
Cried like yesterday.

And now, the sun is here
Smile in her face,
To wake up the world
And make people happy.