

step away
the quiet space where love once dwelled,
I leave, hoping my absence will mend what swelled.
For in my love, there was unrest,
A storm that left your heart distressed.

I aimed to bring you joy and light,
Yet my love fell short, causing endless night.
So now I step away, hoping to set you free,
To grant you the peace you deserve, to let you be.

May the silence that follows speak volumes of peace,
May it offer solace, a much-needed release.
For in my absence, may you find tranquility,
A newfound serenity, a heart unbound and free.

Though my love couldn't grant you the calm you seek,
I hope my absence brings the peace you uniquely speak.
For sometimes, in stepping away, love finds its way,
And in the stillness, healing begins its gentle sway.
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