

A Thank You Note!
A Thank You Note!
In you, I see my childhood.
I see the little girl holding my sister's hand and walking to school, happy to find my friend sitting next to me,sharing food during lunch, helping each other, whispering in ears when our teacher asked questions.
The same eyes lit faces when our favourite teacher walked into the classroom
and the fear pounding in our hearts
when our maths teacher came with a cane to teach rhombus.
Then I see the teenager, walking in the school or college campus, enjoying sights around, with a heart prancing when noticed or appreciated.
I remember the first lecture of my Political Science teacher, sitting in the gallery room
when we, a group of four laughed at the doodling we made in the last pages of our notebooks
and finally turned out of the class,
on being failed to answer a question by him.
I remember the first day in my college, the gulmohar tree, the group of boys and girls together, the canteen where samosa came for two rupees, and I shared with my friend, girls clad in beautiful sarees on Saraswati Puja, decked in accessories with prancing hearts, to capture a photo at the studio.
Thereafter, I remember you, my dear students, who keep my mind ignited
reviving in me the zeal to live, love and learn
and pursue my dreams.
You are Godsend gifts for me.
May all your dreams fulfill!

Prasupta Roy