

The Enigmatic Universe

In shadows deep, the cosmos sighs,
Its mysteries, vast, beyond our eyes.
In whispers heard by stars alone,
The universe unveils its very own.

Galaxies dance in cosmic ballet,
A symphony of light in endless play.
Neutron whispers, black hole cries,
Echoes of time in boundless skies.

From swirling dust to planets born,
In cosmic cradles, stars adorn.
Nebulas weave their tapestry,
A silent ode to eternity.

In every quasar's fiery glow,
A tale of ancient secrets flow.
Supernovae burst in brilliant hue,
A cosmic rebirth, ever anew.

Through darkened voids and stellar seas,
We sail on waves of mysteries.
Exploring realms beyond our ken,
Seeking truth in the cosmic pen.

For in the depths of space and time,
We find the essence of the divine.
A symphony of chaos and grace,
In the infinite expanse of space.

So let us gaze with wonder bright,
Into the depths of endless night.
For in the mysteries we embrace,
We find our home, our time, our space.

© Be Kisambi