

A Bruised Heart
I asked him to forget me.
He left without a noise.
The silence still echoes.
We, before, are now, you and me.

Did he love me or did he not?
His actions left me ambiguous.
He just paced away, without any pause.
Shattering his promise to leave me not.

Forgetting is quite a task, except for him.
I'm weakened and pale. He's at ease.
My heart broke. Didn't his?
Isn't heartbreak in love mutual?

But I now realise that it wasn't love at all.
In fact who knows love really at all.
Apparent and fake, the love now stings.
The pain rushing deep within.

My heart wants to reconcile.
But my mind consoles me.
I gaze at the ceiling, lost in time.
Devoid of any thought, any reason.

Free but imprisoned by self,
The vicious bars pulling me back.
Chained my shackles of thoughtlessness,
I look around. All dull and bleak.

Time that used to sprint, is now stuck.
Heart that used to race, barely pumps.
Mind that used to paint stories, has lost hues.
The bird in me that used to chirp, has flown away.

There is a gloom that's unspoken of.
Neither I nor him talk of it.
The silence still echoes.
We before, are now, me and you.

© ShriMukh