

Believing in something we individually do
All of us people like me and you
Do we beleive to him above
To him that watches us all, so he should
How do we believe what we can't see
To believe or not what will it be
If you can't see its hard to believe
We believe sometimes you don’t give to receive
Trust is another we cannot see
Its a word but we do try to be
Loyal, honest up front and say
Weather it hurts, loves in any which way
What is it we are asking you and me
If we belive in things that we cannot see
Be it be good, trust or even love
Do we believe in him above
How can we trust, love, to believe what we can't see
To believe he is watching you and me
Is there a heaven is there a hell
What we can't see we can't tell
Everything people, spiders dogs and cats
Do we have soles do we believe that
We will never know really what we cannot see
But we can believe in things you and me