

Vivid In The Fog
Time isn't always easy
when it's wasted,  or you are,
or, if you're doing it.
No, nymph, not that kimda doing it,
that IS easy time.

holding the phone writing this nonsense, while she sleeps beside
Why AM I not taking it easy at the moment..
why does the orca play with the seal, 
the cat with the mouse?
Ugh why in Christ's unchecked prostate,
why use metaphors when you know they don't fit, Pretard?
Oh.. but don't they..?

Like it or not,,
this me, in this life, it is, but isn't.
I am, but I am not..
An that is a subject I'm subject to, in a starry eyed story I do
an do not object to.
In that absurdity, 
that oddity of arrangement
Truly lies something haunting, horrifying, and cathartic.
What is...