

lights change into words!!! (poema en español e ingles ambos)
Lying on the floor,
At night's faded glow,
Suddenly a light,
Reflected on my eyes,
Everywhere it was so calm,
Just my eyes were looking at the lights,
And the lights were looking into my eyes,
Beside me, a book was lying,
Its pages suddenly opened with a swift voice,
When the light fell on the paper,
It transformed into letters,
Each letter with its own beauty,
Revealing something, a great mystery,
Witnessing that incredible moment,
My mind got stuck in that scene,
My mind started to think about my past,
And tried to enhance its taste by playing emotional music,
Which made me feel like crying,
I was still and silent,
Just trying to remember something,
And the way a light emerges,
It helped me to think about my life,
I thought hard,
Until I fell asleep!!!

Translate in Spanish

Acostado en el suelo,
Al resplandor apagado de la noche,
De repente, una luz,
Reflejada en mis ojos,
Todo estaba tan tranquilo,
Solo mis ojos miraban las luces,
Y las luces miraban dentro de mis ojos,
A mi lado, un libro yacía,
Sus páginas se abrieron con voz rápida,
Cuando la luz cayó sobre el papel,
Se transformó en letras,
Cada letra con su propia belleza,
Revelando algo, un gran misterio,
Presenciando ese momento increíble,
Mi mente quedó atrapada en esa escena,
Mi mente comenzó a pensar en mi pasado,
Intentando realzar su sabor con música emocional,
Que me hizo sentir ganas de llorar,
Estaba quieto y en silencio,
Solo tratando de recordar algo,
Y como emerge una luz,
Me ayudó a reflexionar sobre mi vida,
Pensé profundamente,
¡¡¡Hasta que me quedé dormido!!!
© the juniors