

Struggling, as it crumbles apart,
Faltering, with forced smiles,
Faked curiosity and care,
We abide by unspoken rules.

The light flickers, a haunting red,
Yet we persist, oblivious to reality,
The street filled with uncaring drivers,
Collision looms, an end coming soon.

Forever lost, beyond repair it lies,
Like shattered fragments beneath dark skies,
We grasp in vain, but it slips away,
Collapsing, as our hope begins to fray.

No solace found, no mending hand,
The chasm widens, we fail to understand,
We watch it fade, unable to hold tight,
The shattered trust, the promises torn.

So let it collapse, let it dissolve,
A painful truth we can't absolve,
In this melancholy, we find our fate,
A friendship shattered, forever separate.