

I sit in the dark corner of my room, staring at my soul fading before me like the morning mist ,
My life is like a pool of sorrow in which I drown , in the depths of misery ,our shadows reside ,
A heart once whole , now broken to tiny pieces that can never be held together ,
Love is gone , it's flames extinguished and my world is all dark .
oh heartbreak , our beautiful memories haunt me ,
how sweetly you'd whisper to me each time we kissed ,that you'd never leave was your daily song ,
now, only the echoes of your voice hit each wall of my mind leaving behind a bittersweet melancholy .
many are the times I've tried to hold you in my arms again in my thoughts ,
but you stand in the distance fading away slowly ,
love is all gone and staring is all that is left .

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