

/African Daisy/.
De una vez
My Darling.
Shall we go
Flower shopping tonight?

De una vez pro toda
you can own your butterflies now
And I will each morning glare
At your cheeks flushing,
That beautiful arrangement
Of your scales
In colorful designs.

F_reesia of the Iris,
L_inaria of the Snapdragon, the
O_riental lily, her lowly cousin
W_ater lily.
E_nglish bluebells,
R_ain lilies or Rock Rose
S_peedwell Veronicas,

Partial shade aconites,
Cheerful yellow color.
Sweet honey-like fragrance
That catches up with
Your early spring bloom

Would you award,
The most attractive
Red Begonia,
Wide bursted blooming
And ever thirsty, or

Maybe Bergenia?
Sweet as its nicknames
Pigsqueak and Elephant Ears
But makes up for it in
Ornate flowers and leaves
That change hues
From green to red
In cooler months.

Or perhaps,
These spherical head alliums,
The tall violet blooms
Of mid-summer.
Pink, blue,
White and violet hue,

I think
I'll nominate
For your butterflies
The star of the garden.
Bright blue indigo
And every other splendid tint
Identical to your alluring
Glamour and grandeur.

© amtupu_