

Healing Little me!!! to save future me
Hey, hey it's okay now stop crying,
Look I know this situation is too big for you,
but look at me now am okay and you are also gonna be fine,
wipe those tears away, everytime I think about those tears I feel more broken to,

You are strong, brave, beautiful, important and mostly loved,
don't ever think you are going through this pain alone,
we are in this together and your healing depends on my healing,

All your pain created me a strong, brave, beautiful lady, I stand up for myself and wipe my own tears now,
So don't ever think all those tears weren't worth it, each drop belt a wall no one can break.

Now little vanurable, dependant, cry baby me,
let me hug you tight, so that when the night passes the next morning you won't remember the pain....

© Mkay