

Letter from God
Dear reader i hope if you come across this poem that it will bring great joy and strenght to your soul.
i know you dont see me alot because i am not in the flesh but i want you to know i am always here.
Anywhere, everywhere you go i am there.
protecting you even when you don't feel no one care.
I know how you feel, don't think i don't know because i have feelings to , i know right you think i am some big oh God sitting on a throne pointing fingers at you when you do wrong.
or getting ready to wipe you off the face of the earth.
No you have me all wrong.
I am a being with feelings and i hurt when you hurt and laugh when you laugh. I know you may feel sometimes if i really cared why did i allow bad things happen to you and seem to disappear. (sigh) i know it sounds horrible but i can't do anything because my words are the very laws i follow i give my creation dominion over this earth but unfortunately your fore fathers was fooled by a tricky guy name lucifer and allow him to come in and have dominion over this world now this thing called sin came into the world and cause heartache and pain and lucifer and his gang just causing havoc in your all lives. I made you with a free choice the only way i can truly protect you is if you give me permission to be apart of your life. I wish i can explain in more details but its to much to say that it will take you a lifetime to read, i hope you understand what i am saying but if you don't it is ok. I love my creation but they think i am boring. Do you think i am boring ? they feel living the way i tell them to live is to hard to do. but i am fun too. All i want you to know is that i love you with an everlasting love and i want the best for you. nothing i say is to harm you but to give you hope in me for a better future. so always remember i am there and you can talk to me anytime, 24 hours a day.
there is nothing i wouldn't do for you because i care.
love you my daughter/son, my creation.
From your : Creator/God, loving father.

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