

Letter from God
Dear reader i hope if you come across this poem that it will bring great joy and strenght to your soul.
i know you dont see me alot because i am not in the flesh but i want you to know i am always here.
Anywhere, everywhere you go i am there.
protecting you even when you don't feel no one care.
I know how you feel, don't think i don't know because i have feelings to , i know right you think i am some big oh God sitting on a throne pointing fingers at you when you do wrong.
or getting ready to wipe you off the face of the earth.
No you have me all wrong.
I am a being with feelings and i hurt when you hurt and laugh when you laugh. I know you may feel sometimes if i really cared why did i allow bad things happen to you and seem to disappear. (sigh) i know it sounds horrible but i can't do...