

Black Death Whispering
I can hear Black Death whispering my name.
I get up and the shut windows, lock the door.
Yet, the hoarse whisper still harkens the same.
Was it my imagination, as my feet hit the floor?

I am naturally frightened and hesitant.
Silently debating if I'm actually dreaming.
I am stock-still and lock-jawed reticent.
As my mind is zealously screaming.

Surely, my head is resting on my pillow.
Yet, I'm unsure if my eyes are wide open or shut.
Certainly, one element I firmly know,
a Category 7 is fiercely brewing in my gut.

Isn't an alarming nightmare more probable?
If I am awake now, I must be wide-eyed, mouth gaping.
Are my consequences more likely fatal?
Or, is Black Death just actually stalking?

I'm of the belief that I'm really laying prone,
in a total state of massive confusion and unrest.
And, it's still present, the consistent whispering drone.
Black Death is still on its macabre quest.

Regardless of my outcome this night,
I want this truth to be truly known...
Although this has filled me with fright,
while on earth, I was blessed...I've been truly shown.

d. nelson 10/20/2020