

Broken Soul Ties

We were bound by threads unseen a cord woven from whispers and dreams...

We were sent bound by a higher call a mission written before our great fall...

Yet somewhere in the threads of time we lost the rhythm missed the rhyme...

That what was meant to set us free now leaves us broken stranded lost at sea...

I couldn’t hold the weight you bore now the mission is no more...

Our bond once sacred slips away a broken soul tie left to decay...

Did we fail the task divine? Or did we falter by design?

We are bound but not by choice tied by echoes of a silent voice...

The threads that bind they twist and tear leaving scars beyond repair...

Yet here we stand still bound by thread a soulless link love is dead...

And so I carry this heavy chain a bond of love that turned to pain no solace found no gentle release please God just give me peace...

© Kassandra🔮