

CATH aka "Mum"
Come on Cath are you having a laugh.

The pavements of "Alky" are awaiting your feet, trying to cause you defeat.

But no matter how hard they try nothing can stop you reaching the sky, "Top shops" that is, up for your bread or a paper to read, then turn on your heels and apply the speed, cruising back home 5 Cheltenham green.

Time for a brew and a custard cream, close my eyes ready to dream, not a chance peters arrival is impending, getting ready for some gentle stretching and bending keeping fit the best way we can.

Thats all for now time to rest my eyes, ready for my dinner hopefully a pie, finished my dinner off to bed so much whirring around my head, sleep i must ready for tomorrow.
Keeping busy not one to wallow.
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