

Haiku's for you

Haiku 1:

Blooming is enough?
A withered heart, a brick laid

Haiku 2:

Not for sale, the world's
Laughter; Be careful

Haiku 3:

Test to know your friend

Haiku 4:

Loving is enough?
Can't be a lifelong mate?

Haiku 5:

Tree's peak touches sky
Roots dig deep into the earth

Haiku 6:

Lonely station, mute
Heart, why sing a duet?

Haiku 7:

Neem flower sweet;
Bitterness only in leaves

Haiku 8:

Soft feather floats on
Wind, not for itself, though

Haiku 9:

Plucked flower, dear
Shiva, love is a boon granted

Haiku 10:

Lines drawn on the mind
Beautiful picture unfolds

Sindhu Bhargava.
© Writer Sindhu Bhargava